Heart Bypass Surgery | Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery - Know it All!

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Heart Bypass Surgery

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery or Heart Bypass Surgery- Know it All!

A surgical procedure to restore blood flow to specific parts of your heart is called coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), commonly referred to as Heart Bypass Surgery. A blockage in an artery supplying blood to the heart can stop the flow of blood, which can result in heart attacks or heart attack-like symptoms. By rerouting blood vessels from other parts of your body around obstructions, CABG restores blood flow.

Why is CABG or Heart Bypass Surgery done?

Your heart pumps blood throughout your body continuously. Your heart needs blood flow to function, which it receives from a network of supply arteries (coronary arteries) that encircle it. Ischemia occurs when tissues in your body don't receive adequate blood flow.

Due to inadequate blood to the heart's muscle cells, they start getting damaged and when it's severe, those heart muscle cells will begin to deteriorate. 

Through CABG the blood flow to the heart is re-established and restored to compensate for the insufficiency of blood and help the heart maintain its function by providing it with adequate blood flow.

How is Heart Bypass or CABG performed?

Your doctor typically makes a chest incision to expose the heart to reach the blocked coronary artery while also momentarily stopping the heart. Your doctor will split the breastbone (sternum), which opens the chest, in half lengthwise. The doctor then exposes the heart and with the help of a heart-lung bypass, the machine pumps blood across the body once it has been exposed. Blood must be pumped through the bypass machine while the heart is halted to perform the procedure.

Less invasive methods to bypass clogged coronary arteries have been developed, however classic "open heart" surgery is still often performed and frequently preferable in many instances. The 1990s saw the development of "off-pump" operations, in which the heart is not required to be stopped. Other minimally invasive techniques may be employed, including robotic treatments and keyhole surgery (both of which are performed through very small incisions).

What conditions are treated by CABG?

Coronary heart disease is the most likely cause to result in CABG. Other disorders that fall under the category of coronary heart disease include silent myocardial ischemia, which is heart ischemia without any symptoms, and angina pectoris, which is chest discomfort brought on by ischemia in your heart.

Conditions that fall under the category of coronary heart disease typically result in the constriction of the arteries in your heart as a result of the accumulation of plaque, a fatty, wax-like substance. The arteries in your heart stiffen and narrow when plaque accumulates inside them. Blood clots may grow in a region of plaque that has cracked open, obstructing the arteries. Your heart may thus suffer from insufficiency of blood, which is brought on by the obstructions and can result in a heart attack.

What to expect after CABG?

Most people feel better after surgery and may experience symptom relief for up to 10 to 15 years. However, it's possible that over time, more arteries or even the fresh graft utilized in the bypass can clog, necessitating a second bypass or angioplasty.

Taking your meds to prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and help control diabetes will have an impact on your results and long-term outcome. Additionally, it's crucial to adhere to suggestions for a healthy lifestyle, such as these:

• Give up smoking.

• Adopt a healthy eating habit, low in salt and oil.

• Keep a healthy weight.

• Regular exercise.

• Stress management.

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